Inman Family Chiropractic Blog

Share Your Testimonial With Others

Have you or one of your family members had a good experience at Inman
Family Chiropractic? Share it with others. We are starting a testimonial
book, and we want everyone to be a part of it. Please stop by and share
your story, or even send me an email (
with your story. Of course, you can share your story anonymously if you
wish. We will include it in a book and share it with current and future
patients. We will have it on display at spinal screenings and open houses.
Maybe someone out there is suffering from the same problems as you or one
of your family members and doesn't even realize that chiropractic is an
option for them! Maybe we have helped with your migraines, leg pains, or
arthritis pains. Or maybe we have helped your back pain, numbness in the
hands, or even with your heartburn. Please share how chiropractic has
helped you or your family. Thank you for your help, and I look forward to
sharing your stories with others.

Chiropractic and Infertility

Research seems to indicate a link between between chiropractic and
increased fertility. In fact, many women who struggle to get pregnant
become pregnant after beginning chiropractic care.

Once such article, published in May 2003 in the Journal of Vertebral
Subluxation Research summarizes 14 separate studies of 15 women, ranging in
age from 22 to 65. All of the women had previous experience with some type
of fertility issue, and 11 of them had never been able to conceive at all.
These women all began chiropractic care, with the main focus being to
correct their vertebral subluxations. In the end, all of the women became
pregnant within two to 20 months of beginning chiropractic care.

Click here to read more.