Inman Family Chiropractic Blog

The Benefits of a Gonstead Adjustment

In my previous post I told you that there are many different styles that
chiropractors use to adjust their patients. I also told you a little bit
about the method I use -- the Gonstead System.

But now I want to explain why I chose to practice this method and why I
think it provides the most benefit to my patients.

Foundation (Hips and Lower Back)
Gonstead is based on the principles of physics -- more specifically
foundation. For example, during construction of a new building, the
foundation is essential if the building is to last and stay safe. And any
change in the foundation of a building can have drastic effects on its
other parts.The same principal is true for your body. And Gonstead basis
its practices on this idea. The foundation of your body is the pelvic
girdle (hips and lower back). If the hips or lower back (or any other bones
in your spine) become tilted or rotate out of position, just like with the
foundation of the building, it can have drastic effects on the rest of your

Subluxations in Your Body's Foundation
Other chiropractic systems can easily identify misalignments (subluxations)
in the upper parts of your body. However, just like in the building
example, when a subluxation occurs somewhere in the lower part of the body,
the body attempts to correct the problem and continue to keep the body
upright by creating subluxations above it. So if I were just to adjust the
subluxation in the upper part of the body and ignore the one in the lower
part, I would be missing the true problem. Now you can see where the
additional analysis, study, and practice performed by a Gonstead
chiropractor become important, especially when you consider that every body
presents a different set of subluxations--no two people are the same!

Lasting Results
The Gonstead System is proven to provide lasting results because it gets to
the root cause of spinal subluxations. Missing this results in only limited
and short-term relief. However, by identifying all of the subluxations and
creating a plan to effectively treat them, your spine is better able to
return to its normal position. And most importantly, you experience
complete and lasting results.

Dr. Gonstead's Advice
Finally, Dr. Gonstead provided the following advice to chiropractor's
practicing the Gonstead System. It successfully summarizes what I am
attempting to do at Inman Family Chiropractic.

"Find the subluxation, accept it where you find it, correct it, and leave
it alone." -- C.S. Gonstead


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