Consumer Reports Subscribers Find Most Relief Through Chiropractic
The Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center recently surveyed 14,000
subscribers who had lower back pain in the last year but did not have
surgery. The majority found the most relief through chiropractic! 58% said
chiropractic "helped alot" and 59% were "completely" or "very" satisfied
with their chiropractor.
For example, one respondent was a 54-year-old male petroleum transport
engineer who drives a semi-truck and uses a 20-foot-long hose several times
a day. He stated that he is able to keep his back pain to a minimum only by
following a chiropractor's plan of care and making sure he gets adjusted
every few weeks.
Consumer Reports also cautions patients who are thinking of undergoing back
surgery. In a second survey of 1000 consumers who had back surgery during
the past 5 years, 50% of respondents reported at least one problem with
recovery (including stating that it was lengthier and more painful than
expected). 16% said their back pain did not improve, and 8% said it became
Who helped the most?
Profession Highly satisfied
Chiropractor 59%
Physical therapist 55%
Acupuncturist 53%
Physician, specialist 44%
Physician, 34%
primary care
The full results are discussed in the May issue of Consumer Reports. You
can also find additional information at